eng: bill

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etymological origin ofeng: biller
etymological origin ofeng: billpayer
etymological origin ofeng: billpaying
etymological origin ofeng: overbill
etymological origin ofeng: parrotbill
etymological origin ofeng: rebill
etymologyang: bil
etymologyang: bile
etymologyxno: bille
has derived formeng: T-bill
has derived formeng: Treasury bill
has derived formeng: bill of adventure
has derived formeng: bill of costs
has derived formeng: bill of credit
has derived formeng: bill of divorce
has derived formeng: bill of entry
has derived formeng: bill of exceptions
has derived formeng: bill of exchange
has derived formeng: bill of fare
has derived formeng: bill of goods
has derived formeng: bill of health
has derived formeng: bill of indictment
has derived formeng: bill of lading
has derived formeng: bill of mortality
has derived formeng: bill of pains and penalties
has derived formeng: bill of parcels
has derived formeng: bill of particulars
has derived formeng: bill of rights
has derived formeng: bill of sale
has derived formeng: bill of sight
has derived formeng: bill of store
has derived formeng: bill of sufferance
has derived formeng: billed
has derived formeng: billing
has derived formeng: bills payable
has derived formeng: bills receivable
has derived formeng: bills
has derived formeng: brown-bill
has derived formeng: duckbill
has derived formeng: true bill
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
synonymeng: Federal Reserve note
synonymeng: account
synonymeng: bank bill
synonymeng: bank note
synonymeng: banker's bill
synonymeng: banknote
synonymeng: billhook
synonymeng: billman
synonymeng: broadsheet
synonymeng: broadside
synonymeng: buck
synonymeng: card
synonymeng: charge
synonymeng: circular
synonymeng: flier
synonymeng: flyer
synonymeng: government note
synonymeng: greenback
synonymeng: hand bill
synonymeng: handbill
synonymeng: hedge bill
synonymeng: invoice
synonymeng: measure
synonymeng: neb
synonymeng: nib
synonymeng: note
synonymeng: notice
synonymeng: pecker
synonymeng: placard
synonymeng: polearm
synonymeng: poster
synonymeng: posting
synonymeng: slate
synonymeng: throwaway
translationara: بنكنوت
translationara: حساب
translationara: فاتورة
translationara: منقار
translationbel: дзюба
translationbul: алебарда
translationbul: афиш
translationbul: афиширам
translationbul: банкнота
translationbul: градинска ножица
translationbul: законопроект
translationbul: клюн
translationbul: лапа
translationbul: представям сметка
translationbul: програма
translationbul: разгласявам
translationbul: секач
translationbul: сметка
translationbul: фактура
translationbul: човка
translationcat: bec
translationces: účet
translationces: bankovka
translationces: směnka
translationces: zobák
translationcmn: 帐单
translationcmn: 帳單
translationcmn: 鈔票
translationcmn: 钞票
translationcmn: 鳥嘴
translationcmn: 鸟嘴
translationcrh: ğağa
translationdan: næb
translationdeu: Geldschein
translationdeu: Gesetzesentwurf
translationdeu: Rechnung
translationdeu: Schnabel
translationeng: heavy
translationeng: platypus
translationepo: beko
translationepo: kalkulo
translationfin: hakata
translationfin: hilpari
translationfin: juliste
translationfin: julistus
translationfin: kanne
translationfin: kuhertaa
translationfin: kynsi
translationfin: lakiehdotus
translationfin: lasku
translationfin: laskuttaa
translationfin: luettelo
translationfin: nokka
translationfin: seteli
translationfin: vekseli
translationfin: vesuri
translationfra: acte
translationfra: bec
translationfra: billet de banque
translationfra: facture
translationfra: greffe
translationfra: hallebarde
translationfra: hallebardier
translationfra: note
translationfra: proposition
translationfra: tract
translationfry: snaffel
translationgle: gob
translationhin: चोंच
translationhrv: kljun
translationhun: csőr
translationhye: թղթադրամ
translationhye: կտուց
translationina: declaration
translationina: factura
translationita: becco
translationita: cambiale
translationita: cartello
translationita: conto
translationita: disegno
translationita: fattura
translationita: nota
translationita: poster
translationjpn: 勘定
translationjpn: 紙幣
translationkat: ნისკარტი
translationlit: snapas
translationmar: चोच
translationmkd: банкнота
translationmkd: законски проект
translationmkd: клун
translationmkd: меница
translationmkd: нацрт-закон
translationmkd: сметка
translationnds: Snavel
translationnld: bek
translationnld: factureren
translationnld: in rekening brengen
translationnld: rekenen
translationnld: snavel
translationnor: nebb
translationpol: dziób
translationpor: bico
translationpor: conta
translationpor: declaração
translationpor: fatura
translationron: cioc
translationrus: банкнота
translationrus: билль
translationrus: вексель
translationrus: законопроект
translationrus: заявление
translationrus: клюв
translationrus: купюра
translationrus: расписка
translationrus: счёт
translationslk: zobák
translationslv: kljun
translationspa: billette
translationspa: cuenta
translationspa: declaración
translationspa: factura
translationspa: nota
translationspa: pico
translationspa: proposición de ley
translationsqi: çukë
translationsqi: sqep
translationsrp: кљун
translationswa: mwsada
translationswe: affisch
translationswe: affischera
translationswe: anslag
translationswe: debitera
translationswe: förteckning
translationswe: faktura
translationswe: faskinkniv
translationswe: hacka
translationswe: hillebard
translationswe: hillebardiär
translationswe: intyg
translationswe: kyssas
translationswe: lagförslag
translationswe: lista
translationswe: motion
translationswe: näbb
translationswe: näbbas
translationswe: nota
translationswe: plakat
translationswe: program
translationswe: proposition
translationswe: räkning
translationswe: sedel
translationswe: växel
translationtur: gaga
translationukr: дзьоб


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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