eng: birth

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etymological origin ofeng: birther
etymological origin ofeng: birthmother
etymological origin ofeng: birthparent
etymological origin ofeng: rebirth
etymologically relatedeng: accident of birth
etymologically relatedeng: bear
etymologically relatedeng: birth control
etymologically relatedeng: birth mother
etymologically relatedeng: birth pangs
etymologically relatedeng: birth parent
etymologically relatedeng: birth pill
etymologically relatedeng: birthdate
etymologically relatedeng: birthday
etymologically relatedeng: birthing
etymologically relatedeng: childbirth
etymologically relatedeng: give birth
has derived formeng: birthed
has derived formeng: births
lexical categoryadjective
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
semantically relatedeng: Infancy
semantically relatedeng: give birth
semantically relatedeng: have
semantically relatedeng: labour
semantically relatedeng: lift
semantically relatedeng: lying-in
semantically relatedeng: nascence
semantically relatedeng: nascency
semantically relatedeng: navigate
semantically relatedeng: parturition
semantically relatedeng: start
semantically relatedeng: war of conquest
synonymeng: biological
synonymeng: blood
synonymeng: consanguineous
translationara: بداية
translationara: مولد
translationara: ميلاد
translationara: وضع
translationara: ولادة
translationara: ولد
translationbre: engehentañ
translationbre: ganedigezh
translationbre: genel
translationbul: начало
translationbul: потекло
translationbul: произход
translationbul: раждам
translationbul: раждане
translationcat: naixement
translationcat: part
translationces: narození
translationces: původ
translationces: porod
translationces: porodit
translationces: zrod
translationdeu: Geburt
translationell: γέννα
translationell: γέννηση
translationell: καταγωγή
translationell: τοκετός
translationepo: naskiĝo
translationfin: alku
translationfin: lisääntyminen
translationfin: suku
translationfin: sukujuuri
translationfin: synnyttää
translationfin: synnyttäminen
translationfin: syntymä
translationfin: syntyperä
translationfra: accoucher
translationfra: naissance
translationgrc: τοκετός
translationgrn: eñõi
translationheb: הוֹלִיד
translationheb: הוליד
translationheb: לידה
translationhin: जन्म
translationhun: származás
translationhun: szülés
translationhye: ծնունդ
translationhye: սկիզբ
translationido: akushar
translationido: nasko
translationina: nascentia
translationind: kelahiran
translationisl: fæðing
translationisl: hingaðburður
translationita: nascita
translationita: parto
translationjpn: 出生
translationjpn: 出産
translationjpn: 誕生
translationlat: nativitas
translationmal: ജനനം
translationmkd: зародиш
translationmkd: породување
translationmkd: потекло
translationmkd: раѓа
translationmkd: раѓање
translationmkd: род
translationnld: afkomst
translationnld: baren
translationnld: geboorte
translationpor: dar à luz
translationpor: nascimento
translationron: început
translationron: naştere
translationron: origine
translationrus: рождение
translationslv: porod
translationslv: roditi
translationslv: rojstvo
translationsnd: جَنَمُ
translationsnd: پيدائِش
translationsnd: ڄَمُ
translationspa: nacimiento
translationsrp: rođenje
translationsrp: rožastvo
translationswa: kuzaa
translationswa: zaa
translationswa: zaliw
translationswa: zaliwa
translationswe: början
translationswe: föda
translationswe: födelse
translationswe: {eek{t+|sv|födelse|c}}
translationtel: కను
translationtel: జన్మ
translationtel: పుట్టుక
translationtel: ప్రసవించు
translationvie: đầu
translationvie: dòng dõi
translationvie: gốc
translationvie: sự
translationzho: 出生
translationzho: 誕生


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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