eng: box

New Query

antonymeng: unbox
antonymeng: uncase
antonymeng: unpack
etymological origin ofeng: airbox
etymological origin ofeng: boxboard
etymological origin ofeng: boxful
etymological origin ofeng: boxload
etymological origin ofeng: cigar box
etymological origin ofeng: econobox
etymological origin ofeng: farebox
etymological origin ofeng: glovebox
etymological origin ofeng: homeobox
etymological origin ofeng: icebox
etymological origin ofeng: lockbox
etymological origin ofeng: middlebox
etymological origin ofeng: phonebox
etymological origin ofeng: saucebox
etymological origin ofeng: shoutbox
etymological origin ofeng: snuffbox
etymological origin ofeng: soapbox
etymological origin ofeng: sweatbox
etymological origin ofeng: sweetbox
etymological origin ofeng: userbox
etymological origin ofeng: winebox
etymological origin ofgle: bosca
etymological origin ofhif: baakas
etymological origin ofspa: boxear
etymological origin oftpi: bokis
etymologically relatedeng: boxer
etymologically relatedeng: boxing
has derived formeng: -->
has derived formeng: BoxAerobics
has derived formeng: Boxer
has derived formeng: Boxing Day
has derived formeng: abox
has derived formeng: airbox
has derived formeng: apple-box
has derived formeng: autoboxing
has derived formeng: axle-box
has derived formeng: ballot box
has derived formeng: bandbox
has derived formeng: bastard box
has derived formeng: be in a box
has derived formeng: be in the same box
has derived formeng: be in the wrong box
has derived formeng: beatbox
has derived formeng: bento box
has derived formeng: bitty box
has derived formeng: black box
has derived formeng: blue box
has derived formeng: bonnet-box
has derived formeng: boom box
has derived formeng: boom-box
has derived formeng: boombox
has derived formeng: box about
has derived formeng: box alder
has derived formeng: box and needle
has derived formeng: box clever
has derived formeng: box elder
has derived formeng: box in
has derived formeng: box it out
has derived formeng: box off
has derived formeng: box on
has derived formeng: box out
has derived formeng: box the compass
has derived formeng: box up
has derived formeng: box-anneal
has derived formeng: box-annealing
has derived formeng: box-back
has derived formeng: box-barrage
has derived formeng: box-beam
has derived formeng: box-bed
has derived formeng: box-bill
has derived formeng: box-board
has derived formeng: box-club
has derived formeng: box-edged
has derived formeng: box-haul
has derived formeng: box-hauling
has derived formeng: box-on
has derived formeng: boxaerobics
has derived formeng: boxball
has derived formeng: boxberry
has derived formeng: boxboard
has derived formeng: boxed
has derived formeng: boxer
has derived formeng: boxercise
has derived formeng: boxes
has derived formeng: boxhaul
has derived formeng: boxiana
has derived formeng: boxing
has derived formeng: out-box
has derived formeng: shadow-box
has derived formeng: shadowbox
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
semantically relatedeng: W:Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
semantically relatedeng: cant
semantically relatedeng: hole
semantically relatedeng: hollow
semantically relatedeng: opening
semantically relatedeng: recess
semantically relatedeng: w:Janette Turner Hospital
synonymeng: TV
synonymeng: blow
synonymeng: box seat
synonymeng: box up
synonymeng: boxful
synonymeng: boxwood
synonymeng: case
synonymeng: computer
synonymeng: corner
synonymeng: cup
synonymeng: embox
synonymeng: encase
synonymeng: fanny
synonymeng: gash
synonymeng: loge
synonymeng: machine
synonymeng: pack
synonymeng: package up
synonymeng: package
synonymeng: punch
synonymeng: pussy
synonymeng: shelter
synonymeng: telly
synonymeng: tube
synonymeng: twat
translationafr: boks
translationara: تعليب
translationara: صندوق
translationara: علبة
translationara: لكمة
translationara: مقصورة
translationara: يلاكم
translationara: يلكم
translationbos: škatulja
translationbos: kutija
translationbos: sanduk
translationbre: boest
translationbre: boestad
translationbre: boestoù
translationbre: logell
translationbre: skouarnad
translationbul: кутия
translationbul: сандък
translationcat: boix
translationcat: boxar
translationcat: boxejar
translationcat: caixa
translationcat: capsa
translationcat: cop de puny
translationcat: empaquetar
translationcat: encapsar
translationcat: garita
translationcat: llotja
translationccc: kaja
translationces: úder
translationces: bedna
translationces: box
translationces: boxovat
translationces: kozlík
translationces: krabice
translationces: lóže
translationces: pouzdro
translationces: schránka
translationces: uhodit
translationces: zimostráz
translationdan: æske
translationdan: bøsning
translationdan: boks
translationdan: bokse
translationdan: buk
translationdan: buksbom
translationdan: dåse
translationdan: jagthytte
translationdan: kasse
translationdan: kuskesæde
translationdan: lægge
translationdan: loge
translationdan: pakke
translationdan: skilderhus
translationdan: skridtbeskytter
translationdan: skrin
translationdan: slå
translationdeu: Box
translationdeu: Boxhieb
translationdeu: Boxschlag
translationdeu: Dose
translationdeu: Kasten
translationdeu: Kiste
translationdeu: Loge
translationdeu: boxen
translationdeu: einpacken
translationdeu: verpacken
translationell: πυξάρι
translationeng: coffin
translationepo: skatolo
translationest: arvuti
translationest: kabiin
translationest: karbitäis
translationest: karp
translationest: loož
translationest: pakkima
translationest: putka
translationest: telekas
translationfas: جعبه
translationfin: aitio
translationfin: alasuoja
translationfin: koiranpensas
translationfin: koju
translationfin: kuskinpukki
translationfin: laatikko
translationfin: laatikollinen
translationfin: pesä
translationfin: puksipuu
translationfin: telkkari
translationfin: toosa
translationfra: boîte
translationfra: boxer
translationfra: buis
translationfra: cabane
translationfra: chatte
translationfra: coquille
translationfra: coup de poing
translationfra: donner
translationfra: emboîter
translationfra: loge
translationfra: mettre en boîte
translationfra: protège-sexe
translationgla: bocsa
translationgla: bocsaig
translationgla: buail
translationgla: buille
translationgle: bosca
translationgle: pacáil
translationheb: התאגרף
translationheb: קופסה
translationhin: डिब्बा
translationhin: संदूक़
translationhun: csomagol
translationhun: doboz
translationhun: dobozol
translationhun: páholy
translationhye: արկղ
translationhye: տուփ
translationido: boxar
translationido: buxo
translationido: ordinatro
translationina: boxar
translationina: cassa
translationina: incassar
translationind: kotak
translationita: bosso
translationita: boxare
translationita: dare
translationita: inscatolare
translationita: palco
translationita: pugno
translationita: scatola
translationkac: sadek
translationkor: 상자
translationlat: capsula
translationlav: kaste
translationnld: bak
translationnld: bok
translationnld: boksen
translationnld: buksboom
translationnld: buxus
translationnld: doos
translationnld: inpakken
translationnld: verpakken
translationnld: vuistslag
translationnob: boks
translationnob: kasse
translationpol: budka
translationpol: bukszpan
translationpol: futerał
translationpol: loża
translationpol: ochraniacz
translationpol: otoczyć
translationpol: pudło
translationpol: pudełko
translationpol: skrzynia
translationpol: zapakować
translationpor: caixa
translationpor: camarote
translationpor: encaixotar
translationpor: guarita
translationron: cutie
translationrus: букс
translationrus: кабина
translationrus: коробка
translationrus: ложа
translationrus: манда
translationrus: самшит
translationrus: ящик
translationslv: škatla
translationspa: boj
translationspa: boxear
translationspa: caja
translationspa: encajar
translationspa: encajonar
translationspa: garita
translationspa: palco
translationspa: puñetazo
translationspa: tele
translationsqi: kuti
translationswe: ask
translationswe: avbalkning
translationswe: bås
translationswe: bössa
translationswe: box
translationswe: boxa
translationswe: boxas
translationswe: buxbom
translationswe: dator
translationswe: dosa
translationswe: fack
translationswe: fodral
translationswe: hylsa
translationswe: jakthydda
translationswe: kartong
translationswe: kista
translationswe: koffert
translationswe: kur
translationswe: kuskbock
translationswe: lägga
translationswe: låda
translationswe: loge
translationswe: schatull
translationswe: skrin
translationswe: slag
translationswe: vaktkur
translationtel: పెట్టె
translationtpi: bokis
translationtpi: boksin
translationtur: kutu
translationtwf: múluną
translationurd: صندوق
translationurd: ڈبہ
translationvie: hộp
translationzho: 一箱
translationzho: 分隔式雅座
translationzho: 包厢
translationzho: 包廂
translationzho: 护身
translationzho: 电脑
translationzho: 箱子
translationzho: 證人席
translationzho: 護身
translationzho: 证人席
translationzho: 電腦


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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