eng: evil

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antonymeng: good
etymological origin ofeng: evilness
etymological origin ofeng: nonevil
etymologically relatedeng: sin
etymologyang: yfel
has derived formeng: Evil One
has derived formeng: axis of evil
has derived formeng: evil eye
has derived formeng: evil laugh
has derived formeng: evil laughter
has derived formeng: evil twin
has derived formeng: evil-minded
has derived formeng: evildoer
has derived formeng: eviller
has derived formeng: evillest
has derived formeng: evilly
has derived formeng: evilness
has derived formeng: evils
has derived formeng: king's evil
has derived formeng: lesser evil
has derived formeng: poll evil
lexical categoryadjective
lexical categorynoun
semantically relatedeng: atrocious
semantically relatedeng: auctorial descriptive
semantically relatedeng: contemptible
semantically relatedeng: criminous
semantically relatedeng: demoniac
semantically relatedeng: demonic
semantically relatedeng: despicable
semantically relatedeng: devilish
semantically relatedeng: diabolic
semantically relatedeng: diabolical
semantically relatedeng: fiendish
semantically relatedeng: flagitious
semantically relatedeng: flagrant
semantically relatedeng: frightful
semantically relatedeng: gone bad
semantically relatedeng: grievous
semantically relatedeng: heinous
semantically relatedeng: hellaceous
semantically relatedeng: hellacious
semantically relatedeng: hellish
semantically relatedeng: immoral
semantically relatedeng: inauspicious
semantically relatedeng: infernal
semantically relatedeng: iniquitous
semantically relatedeng: lewd
semantically relatedeng: low
semantically relatedeng: monstrous
semantically relatedeng: nefarious
semantically relatedeng: obnoxious
semantically relatedeng: ominous
semantically relatedeng: peccaminous
semantically relatedeng: peccant
semantically relatedeng: propudious
semantically relatedeng: putrid
semantically relatedeng: s:Ivanhoe/Chapter 35
semantically relatedeng: s:Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume XI/The Commonitory of Vincent of Lerins/Chapter 8
semantically relatedeng: s:The Brothers Karamazov/Book III/Chapter 7
semantically relatedeng: serious
semantically relatedeng: stygian
semantically relatedeng: ungodly
semantically relatedeng: violent
semantically relatedeng: w:Fyodor Dostoevsky
semantically relatedeng: w:William Blake
semantically relatedeng: wicked
semantically relatedeng: wrong
synonymeng: bad
synonymeng: base
synonymeng: corruption
synonymeng: devilish
synonymeng: godless
synonymeng: malevolent
synonymeng: malicious
synonymeng: mischief
synonymeng: nefarious
synonymeng: wicked
translationang: unriht
translationara: شر
translationbel: зло
translationbul: зло
translationbul: лош
translationces: zlý
translationces: zlo
translationcmn: 邪恶
translationcmn: 邪惡
translationdan: dårlig
translationdan: ond
translationdan: ondskab
translationdan: skadelig
translationdan: slem
translationdan: slet
translationdeu: Böse
translationdeu: Böses
translationdeu: Unglück
translationdeu: Verderbtheit
translationdeu: Übel
translationdeu: übel
translationdeu: böse
translationegy: ḏw
translationell: κακός
translationell: πονηρός
translationell: φαύλος
translationeng: malevolent
translationepo: malboneco
translationepo: malbono
translationeus: gaizto
translationfin: paha
translationfin: pahuus
translationfra: diabolique
translationfra: mal
translationfra: mauvais
translationfry: kwea
translationgla: aingidheachd
translationgla: olc
translationgla: truaighe
translationgla: urchaid
translationhbs: зло
translationhbs: zlo
translationheb: מרושע
translationheb: רע
translationheb: רשע
translationhin: दुष्ट
translationhin: पापी
translationhin: बुरा
translationhrv: pokvaren
translationhrv: zao
translationhun: gonosz
translationhye: չար
translationhye: չարիք
translationhye: չարություն
translationina: mal
translationina: malefic
translationind: jahat
translationind: kejahatan
translationisl: ill
translationisl: illur
translationisl: slæm
translationisl: slæmt
translationisl: vond
translationisl: vont
translationita: male
translationjpn: 邪悪
translationkat: ბოროტი
translationlat: mala
translationlat: malum
translationlat: malus
translationlav: ļaunais
translationlav: ļauns
translationlav: ļaunums
translationlim: euvel
translationlim: kwaod
translationmkd: зло
translationnld: boze
translationnld: kwaad
translationnld: kwade
translationnld: slechte
translationnor: ond
translationnor: ondskap
translationnor: slem
translationoji: maji-
translationpol: zła
translationpol: złe
translationpol: zło
translationpol: zły
translationpor: mal
translationpor: maléfica
translationpor: maléfico
translationpor: mau
translationpor: ruim
translationron: rău
translationron: rea
translationrus: зло
translationrus: злой
translationrus: лихо
translationrus: худо
translationslk: zlá
translationslk: zlé
translationslk: zlý
translationslk: zlo
translationslv: zlo
translationspa: enfermedad
translationspa: mal
translationspa: mala
translationspa: malo
translationswe: elak
translationswe: ond
translationswe: ondska
translationtel: దుష్ట
translationtel: దెయ్యం
translationtur: şeytanî
translationtur: şeytani
translationtur: kötücül
translationtur: kötülük
translationukr: зло
translationukr: лихо


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