eng: fine

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antonymeng: coarse
antonymeng: gross
etymological origin ofeng: finable
etymological origin ofeng: hyperfine
etymologically relatedeng: final
etymologically relatedeng: finance
etymologically relatedeng: finery
etymologically relatedeng: finite
etymologyenm: fin
etymologyfro: fin
etymologyita: fine
has derived formeng: I'm fine, thank you
has derived formeng: chance'd be a fine thing
has derived formeng: cut it fine
has derived formeng: da capo al fine
has derived formeng: fine art
has derived formeng: fine as frog hair
has derived formeng: fine feathers make fine birds
has derived formeng: fine leg
has derived formeng: fine line
has derived formeng: fine print
has derived formeng: fine words butter no parsnips
has derived formeng: fine-grained
has derived formeng: fine-structure constant
has derived formeng: fine-tooth comb
has derived formeng: fine-tune
has derived formeng: fined
has derived formeng: finely
has derived formeng: fineness
has derived formeng: finer
has derived formeng: fines
has derived formeng: finest
has derived formeng: fining
has derived formeng: just fine
has derived formeng: to a fine fare-thee-well
lexical categoryadjective
lexical categoryadverb
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
semantically relatedeng: fervent
semantically relatedeng: judgement
semantically relatedeng: pen
semantically relatedeng: rugby union
synonymeng: OK
synonymeng: alright
synonymeng: beautiful
synonymeng: cool
synonymeng: ducky
synonymeng: excellent
synonymeng: hunky-dory
synonymeng: o.k.
synonymeng: ok
synonymeng: okay
synonymeng: powdered
synonymeng: powdery
synonymeng: pulverised
synonymeng: pulverized
synonymeng: purify
synonymeng: refine
synonymeng: small-grained
synonymeng: thin
synonymeng: tickety-boo
synonymeng: very well
translationarz: كويس
translationase: 5@Sternum-FingerUp Contact
translationccc: mapesipili
translationces: pokuta
translationcym: mân
translationdeu: Bußgeld
translationdeu: Geldbuße
translationdeu: Geldstrafe
translationdeu: akzeptable
translationdeu: feinstes
translationdeu: filigran
translationdeu: filtern
translationdeu: genügend
translationdeu: gut
translationdeu: heiss
translationdeu: herrlich
translationdeu: klären
translationdeu: mit
translationdeu: passabel
translationdeu: sexy
translationdeu: sieben
translationeng: subtle
translationfin: kaunis
translationfin: mainio
translationfin: oivallinen
translationfin: sakottaa
translationfra: amende
translationfra: beau
translationfra: belle
translationfra: fin
translationfra: fine
translationgla: càin
translationgla: cìs
translationheb: לקנוס
translationheb: קנס
translationhye: մանր
translationind: baik
translationita: bella
translationita: bello
translationita: fine
translationita: multa
translationita: multare
translationkor: 벌금
translationkur: ورد
translationnld: beboeten
translationnld: boete
translationnld: fijn
translationnld: goed
translationnld: prachtig
translationnld: uitstekend
translationnor: bøtelegge
translationnor: bot
translationnor: bra
translationnor: fin
translationnor: fint
translationnor: flott
translationnor: ilegge bot
translationnor: pen
translationpor: fiança
translationpor: multa
translationrus: великолепный
translationrus: мелкий
translationrus: отлично
translationrus: отличный
translationrus: пеня
translationrus: превосходный
translationrus: прекрасно
translationrus: сухой
translationrus: тонкий
translationrus: хороший
translationrus: штраф
translationrus: штрафовать
translationrus: ясный
translationsco: braw
translationspa: bueno
translationspa: fino
translationspa: multa
translationspa: multar
translationswa: faini
translationswe: OK
translationswe: bötfälla
translationswe: bot
translationswe: bra
translationswe: förfina
translationswe: fin
translationswe: finkornig
translationswe: fint
translationswe: fintrådig
translationswe: framstående
translationswe: grann
translationswe: härlig
translationswe: klara
translationswe: liten
translationswe: nätt
translationswe: präktig
translationswe: prydlig
translationswe: raffinera
translationswe: rena
translationswe: skicklig
translationswe: smal
translationswe: späd
translationswe: ståtlig
translationswe: stilig
translationswe: utmärkt
translationswe: utsökt
translationswe: vacker
translationyid: קנס


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