eng: match

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etymological origin ofbos: meč
etymological origin ofcrh: matç
etymological origin ofeng: deathmatch
etymological origin ofeng: matchable
etymological origin ofeng: matchgirl
etymological origin ofeng: matchlit
etymological origin ofeng: matchstick
etymological origin ofeng: outmatch
etymological origin ofeng: overmatch
etymological origin ofeng: postmatch
etymological origin ofeng: prematch
etymological origin ofeng: undermatch
etymological origin offra: match
etymological origin ofhbs: меч
etymological origin ofhbs: meč
etymological origin ofpol: mecz
etymologyenm: macche
etymologyfro: meiche
has derived formeng: Man of the Match
has derived formeng: Test match
has derived formeng: cage match
has derived formeng: cricket match
has derived formeng: fireplace match
has derived formeng: first class match
has derived formeng: friendly match
has derived formeng: grudge match
has derived formeng: hatch, match and dispatch
has derived formeng: match drill
has derived formeng: match fixing
has derived formeng: match made in heaven
has derived formeng: match made in hell
has derived formeng: match play
has derived formeng: match point
has derived formeng: match referee
has derived formeng: matchbook
has derived formeng: matchbox
has derived formeng: matched
has derived formeng: matcher
has derived formeng: matches
has derived formeng: matchgirl
has derived formeng: matching
has derived formeng: matchless
has derived formeng: matchlock
has derived formeng: matchmaker
has derived formeng: matchplayer
has derived formeng: matchup
has derived formeng: matchy
has derived formeng: mismatch
has derived formeng: one-day match
has derived formeng: overmatch
has derived formeng: phosphorus match
has derived formeng: post-match
has derived formeng: quick match
has derived formeng: rubber match
has derived formeng: safety match
has derived formeng: shouting match
has derived formeng: slanging match
has derived formeng: slow match
has derived formeng: steel cage match
has derived formeng: strike-anywhere match
has derived formeng: sulfur match
has derived formeng: sulphur match
has derived formeng: the whole shooting match
has derived formeng: tour match
has derived formeng: unmatch
has derived formeng: warm-up match
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
synonymeng: mate
synonymeng: suit
translationara: عود ثقاب
translationara: كبريتة
translationbul: кибрит
translationbul: мач
translationcat: misto
translationces: odpovídat
translationces: zápalka
translationces: zápas
translationcmn: 火柴
translationcrh: sernik
translationdan: tændstik
translationdeu: Spiel
translationdeu: Streichholz
translationdeu: Zündholz
translationdeu: übereinstimmen
translationdeu: ebenbürtig
translationdeu: passen
translationell: ματς
translationell: σπίρτο
translationeng: equivalence
translationeng: suitability
translationepo: alumeto
translationest: matš
translationest: tikk
translationest: tuletikk
translationfin: matsi
translationfin: ottelu
translationfin: sopia yhteen
translationfin: täsmätä
translationfin: tulitikku
translationfin: vertainen
translationfra: allumette
translationfra: match
translationgla: lasadan
translationgla: leithid
translationgla: thig suas ri
translationheb: גפרור
translationhrv: šibica
translationhrv: meč
translationhun: gyufa
translationhun: meccs
translationhye: լուցկի
translationhye: մատչ
translationido: alumeto
translationind: korek api
translationita: fiammifero
translationita: gara
translationita: incontro
translationita: pari
translationita: partita
translationita: simile
translationjpn: マッチ
translationkat: ასანთი
translationkor: 맞다
translationkor: 맞대결
translationkor: 성냥
translationkur: شخاته‌
translationlin: alimɛ́ti
translationlit: degtukas
translationltz: Fixspoun
translationmkd: кибрит
translationmkd: чкорче
translationmkd: шкорче
translationmon: шүдэнз
translationnan: hoan-á-hoé
translationnld: evenknie
translationnld: lucifer
translationnld: match
translationnld: overeenstemmen
translationnld: wedstrijd
translationnld: zwavelstokje
translationnob: jevnbyrdig
translationnob: like
translationnob: likemann
translationnob: passe sammen
translationnob: stemme overens
translationnor: fyrstikk
translationnor: kamp
translationnor: match
translationoci: aluqueta
translationpol: dorównywać
translationpol: mecz
translationpol: pasować
translationpol: zapałka
translationpol: zestawiać
translationpor: combinar
translationpor: palito de fósforo
translationque: ninachaq
translationron: chibrit
translationron: egal
translationron: egală
translationrus: матч
translationrus: ровня
translationrus: спичка
translationscn: cirinu
translationslk: zápalka
translationslv: vžigalica
translationspa: cerillo
translationspa: fósforo
translationspa: igual
translationspa: partido
translationsrp: šibica
translationsrp: palidrvce
translationswa: kibiriti
translationswa: mechi
translationswe: like
translationswe: match
translationswe: matcha
translationswe: para ihop
translationswe: passa ihop
translationswe: tändsticka
translationswe: vara lika
translationtel: అగ్గిపుల్ల
translationtgk: гӯгирд
translationtgl: posporo
translationtha: ไม้ขีดไฟ
translationtur: kibrit
translationukr: сірник
translationzsm: mancis


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