eng: sharp

New Query

antonymeng: above-board
antonymeng: bland
antonymeng: blunt
antonymeng: complimentary
antonymeng: dim
antonymeng: dim-witted
antonymeng: dull
antonymeng: flat
antonymeng: flattering
antonymeng: friendly
antonymeng: head
antonymeng: honest
antonymeng: imprecise
antonymeng: inaccurate
antonymeng: inelegant
antonymeng: insipid
antonymeng: kind
antonymeng: legit
antonymeng: legitimate
antonymeng: nice
antonymeng: obtuse
antonymeng: pointless
antonymeng: reputable
antonymeng: scruffy
antonymeng: shabby
antonymeng: slow
antonymeng: slow-witted
antonymeng: tasteless
antonymeng: thick
antonymeng: unobservant
etymological origin ofeng: sharpish
etymological origin ofeng: sharpness
etymological origin ofeng: supersharp
etymological origin ofeng: ultrasharp
etymologically relatedeng: sharpener
has derived formeng: sharper
has derived formeng: sharpest
has derived formeng: sharps
lexical categoryadjective
lexical categoryadverb
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
semantically relatedeng: accurate
semantically relatedeng: acute
semantically relatedeng: adstringent
semantically relatedeng: assertive
semantically relatedeng: cacuminous
semantically relatedeng: canny
semantically relatedeng: careful
semantically relatedeng: categoric
semantically relatedeng: caustic
semantically relatedeng: cautious
semantically relatedeng: ceremonial
semantically relatedeng: clamant
semantically relatedeng: clean
semantically relatedeng: clear
semantically relatedeng: completed
semantically relatedeng: correct
semantically relatedeng: crisp
semantically relatedeng: cromulent
semantically relatedeng: curt
semantically relatedeng: damnedest
semantically relatedeng: definite
semantically relatedeng: definitive
semantically relatedeng: deliberate
semantically relatedeng: different
semantically relatedeng: earnest
semantically relatedeng: emphatical
semantically relatedeng: exact
semantically relatedeng: exactly
semantically relatedeng: exigent
semantically relatedeng: frugal
semantically relatedeng: hesitant
semantically relatedeng: horrid
semantically relatedeng: insistent
semantically relatedeng: knowing
semantically relatedeng: laconic
semantically relatedeng: loud
semantically relatedeng: matter-of-fact
semantically relatedeng: mawmish
semantically relatedeng: monolingual
semantically relatedeng: obnoxious
semantically relatedeng: official
semantically relatedeng: on target
semantically relatedeng: over
semantically relatedeng: poignant
semantically relatedeng: positive
semantically relatedeng: prat
semantically relatedeng: precise
semantically relatedeng: primness
semantically relatedeng: prudent
semantically relatedeng: resounding
semantically relatedeng: serious-minded
semantically relatedeng: shiny
semantically relatedeng: shrewd
semantically relatedeng: spacious
semantically relatedeng: strenuous
semantically relatedeng: sweeping
semantically relatedeng: tall in the saddle
semantically relatedeng: terse
semantically relatedeng: thetic
semantically relatedeng: touch-and-go
semantically relatedeng: ubersexual
semantically relatedeng: unilingual
semantically relatedeng: up
semantically relatedeng: w:P. G. Wodehouse
semantically relatedeng: w:William Cowper
semantically relatedeng: w:William Shakespeare
semantically relatedeng: zoilus
synonymeng: abrupt
synonymeng: accurate
synonymeng: acrid
synonymeng: acrimonious
synonymeng: acute
synonymeng: alert
synonymeng: bitter
synonymeng: brainy
synonymeng: bright
synonymeng: caustic
synonymeng: chic
synonymeng: coarse
synonymeng: cutting
synonymeng: dishonest
synonymeng: dodgy
synonymeng: elegant
synonymeng: exact
synonymeng: exactly
synonymeng: harsh
synonymeng: hostile
synonymeng: illegal
synonymeng: illicit
synonymeng: intelligent
synonymeng: keen
synonymeng: nasty
synonymeng: observant
synonymeng: on the dot
synonymeng: pointed
synonymeng: pound
synonymeng: precise
synonymeng: precisely
synonymeng: pungent
synonymeng: razor
synonymeng: razor-sharp
synonymeng: sharp-eyed
synonymeng: sly
synonymeng: smart
synonymeng: square
synonymeng: stabbing
synonymeng: stylish
synonymeng: underhand
synonymeng: witty
translationara: حاد
translationase: Open8@BackHand-PalmDown-FlatB@CenterChesthigh-PalmDown Open8@NearBackHand-PalmDown
translationcat: esmolat
translationcat: llest
translationcat: punxegut
translationcat: sostingut
translationces: -is
translationces: bystrý
translationces: křížek
translationces: o půl tónu výš
translationces: ostrý
translationces: přesný
translationces: přesně
translationces: s křížkem
translationdan: skarp
translationdan: spids
translationdeu: -is
translationdeu: Erhöhungszeichen
translationdeu: hoch
translationdeu: scharf
translationdeu: scharfsinning
translationdeu: spitz
translationdeu: stechend
translationeng: accurate
translationeng: acute
translationeng: alert
translationeng: critical
translationeng: exact
translationeng: exactly
translationeng: intelligent
translationeng: keen
translationeng: observant
translationeng: offensive
translationeng: precise
translationepo: akra
translationfin: huijari
translationfin: kipakka
translationfin: kirpeä
translationfin: pistävä
translationfin: risti
translationfin: täsmällinen
translationfin: tarkka
translationfin: tasan
translationfin: terävä
translationfin: terävä-älyinen
translationfin: tyylikäs
translationfin: ylennetty
translationfra: affilé
translationfra: coupant
translationfra: dièse
translationfra: intelligent
translationfra: pointu
translationgla: biorach
translationgla: deas
translationgla: geur
translationgla: guineach
translationgla: rinn-gheur
translationgla: searbh
translationgle: géar
translationhun: éles
translationhye: սուր
translationhye: սրամիտ
translationido: akuta
translationita: acre
translationita: affilato
translationita: appuntito
translationita: attento
translationita: diesis
translationita: esatto
translationita: forte
translationita: intelligente
translationita: intenso
translationita: losco
translationita: preciso
translationita: tagliente
translationjpn: 鋭い
translationkor: 날카로운
translationkur: تیژ
translationlav: asa
translationlav: ass
translationnld: acuut
translationnld: bijtend
translationnld: gepunt
translationnld: hoog
translationnld: kruis
translationnld: puntig
translationnld: scherp
translationnld: scherpe
translationnld: scherpzinnig
translationnld: snerend
translationnld: stekend
translationnld: sterk
translationnld: straf
translationnmn: !qáũ
translationnor: -iss
translationnor: skarp
translationnor: smart
translationnor: spiss
translationpol: ostry
translationpor: afiado
translationpor: agudo
translationpor: em ponto
translationpor: injusto
translationron: ascuţit
translationron: diez
translationrus: диез
translationrus: едкий
translationrus: остроумный
translationrus: острый
translationrus: резкий
translationrus: ровно
translationrus: сметливый
translationrus: смышлёный
translationrus: сомнительный
translationrus: сообразительный
translationrus: точный
translationrus: тёмный
translationslv: oster
translationslv: ostra
translationslv: ostro
translationspa: afilado
translationspa: en punto
translationspa: listo
translationspa: puntiagudo
translationspa: sostenido
translationswe: klyftig
translationswe: korsförtecken
translationswe: lyhörd
translationswe: skarp
translationswe: skarpsinnig
translationswe: smart
translationswe: vass
translationtel: ఖచ్చితంగా
translationtel: చురుకైన
translationtel: తీవ్రమైన
translationtel: పదునైన
translationtel: వాడియైన
translationtur: diyez
translationtur: keskin
translationtur: sivri
translationtur: tiz
translationzho: 銳利


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Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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