eng: shelf

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etymological origin ofeng: shelflike
etymologically relatedeng: shelve
has derived formeng: continental shelf
has derived formeng: off the shelf
has derived formeng: on the shelf
has derived formeng: shelfful
has derived formeng: shelves
has derived formeng: shelvy
lexical categorynoun
synonymeng: shelfful
translationara: رفّ
translationbos: polica
translationces: police
translationcym: silff
translationdan: hylde
translationdeu: Brett
translationdeu: Einlegeboden
translationdeu: Regal
translationeng: rigid
translationfin: hylly
translationfra: étagère
translationfra: rayon
translationfra: rayonnage
translationgla: sgeilp
translationhrv: pličina
translationhrv: polica
translationhun: polc
translationita: asse
translationita: mensola
translationita: scaffale
translationkor: 선반
translationnld: legplank
translationnld: plank
translationnld: rek
translationnld: schap
translationpol: półka
translationpor: estante
translationpor: prateleira
translationron: poliţă
translationrus: полка
translationslv: polica
translationspa: anaquel
translationspa: balda
translationspa: estante
translationspa: estantería
translationspa: tabla
translationsqi: raft
translationswe: avsats
translationswe: hylla
translationswe: sandbank
translationtel: అర
translationtur: raf
translationzho: 架子


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