eng: station

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etymological origin ofeng: stationhouse
etymologically relatedeng: stop-over
etymologically relatedeng: stopover
etymologyenm: estacioun
has derived formeng: PlayStation
has derived formeng: Playstation
has derived formeng: Stations of the Cross
has derived formeng: TV station
has derived formeng: Tube station
has derived formeng: base station
has derived formeng: battle station
has derived formeng: broadcast station
has derived formeng: broadcast-station
has derived formeng: bus station
has derived formeng: cattle station
has derived formeng: coach station
has derived formeng: docking station
has derived formeng: filling station
has derived formeng: fire station
has derived formeng: fuel station
has derived formeng: fueling station
has derived formeng: fuelling station
has derived formeng: gas station
has derived formeng: guard station
has derived formeng: hill station
has derived formeng: hydrogen station
has derived formeng: listening station
has derived formeng: metro station
has derived formeng: mobile station
has derived formeng: mobile-station
has derived formeng: motor station
has derived formeng: outstation
has derived formeng: petrol filling station
has derived formeng: petrol station
has derived formeng: police station
has derived formeng: polling station
has derived formeng: power station
has derived formeng: pull station
has derived formeng: radar station
has derived formeng: radio station
has derived formeng: radio-station
has derived formeng: railroad station
has derived formeng: railway station
has derived formeng: relay station
has derived formeng: service station
has derived formeng: sheep station
has derived formeng: space station
has derived formeng: space-station
has derived formeng: spacestation
has derived formeng: state
has derived formeng: station bill
has derived formeng: station break
has derived formeng: station hand
has derived formeng: station sedan
has derived formeng: station throat
has derived formeng: station wagon
has derived formeng: station-wagon
has derived formeng: stationary
has derived formeng: stationed
has derived formeng: stationing
has derived formeng: stationmaster
has derived formeng: stations
has derived formeng: stationward
has derived formeng: substation
has derived formeng: subway station
has derived formeng: television station
has derived formeng: television-station
has derived formeng: total station
has derived formeng: train station
has derived formeng: underground station
has derived formeng: urination station
has derived formeng: voting station
has derived formeng: way station
has derived formeng: waystation
has derived formeng: weigh station
has derived formeng: work station
has derived formeng: workstation
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
synonymeng: base
synonymeng: channel
synonymeng: farm
synonymeng: military base
synonymeng: ranch
synonymeng: side
translationara: محطة
translationcat: estació
translationces: nádraží
translationcym: gorsaf
translationdan: station
translationdan: tv-station
translationdeu: Bahnhof
translationdeu: Station
translationepo: stacio
translationeus: geltoki
translationfas: توقف گاه
translationfin: asema
translationfra: chaîne
translationfra: gare
translationfra: station
translationheb: תחנה
translationhun: állomás
translationhye: կայարան
translationita: canale
translationita: stazione
translationjpn: 放送
translationjpn: 部署
translationjpn: 駐屯
translationkat: სადგური
translationkor: 정거장
translationmon: ѳртѳѳ
translationmsa: stesen
translationpol: dworzec
translationpol: station
translationpor: estação
translationrus: станция
translationslv: postaja
translationspa: estación
translationswa: kituo
translationswe: station
translationtha: สถานี
translationtur: durak
translationtur: istasyon


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