Links | |
etymological origin of | eng: interthread |
etymological origin of | eng: multithread |
etymological origin of | eng: permathread |
etymological origin of | eng: rethread |
etymological origin of | eng: threadable |
etymological origin of | eng: threadsafe |
etymology | enm: threed |
has derived form | eng: hang by a thread |
has derived form | eng: multithreaded |
has derived form | eng: quadruple thread |
has derived form | eng: screw thread |
has derived form | eng: thread count |
has derived form | eng: thread necromancy |
has derived form | eng: threadbare |
has derived form | eng: threaded |
has derived form | eng: threader |
has derived form | eng: threading |
has derived form | eng: threads |
has derived form | eng: thready |
lexical category | noun |
lexical category | verb |
pronunciation | /θrɛd/ |
pronunciation | |
synonym | eng: wire |
translation | ara: خيط |
translation | ara: موضوع |
translation | cat: fil conductor |
translation | cat: fil |
translation | cat: solc |
translation | ccc: kishemolo |
translation | ces: nit |
translation | ces: vlákno |
translation | ces: závit |
translation | cmn: 主題 |
translation | cmn: 主题 |
translation | cmn: 分身 |
translation | cmn: 線 |
translation | cmn: 線程 |
translation | cmn: 线 |
translation | cmn: 线程 |
translation | cmn: 話題 |
translation | cmn: 論題 |
translation | cmn: 论题 |
translation | cmn: 话题 |
translation | deu: Bindfaden |
translation | deu: Diskussionsfaden |
translation | deu: Faden |
translation | deu: Garn |
translation | deu: Gedankengang |
translation | deu: Gewinde |
translation | deu: Gewindegang |
translation | deu: Thema |
translation | deu: Thread |
translation | deu: Zwirn |
translation | deu: durchkommen |
translation | deu: einfädeln |
translation | deu: passieren |
translation | deu: roter Faden |
translation | ell: κλωστή |
translation | ell: νήμα |
translation | fin: juoni |
translation | fin: kierre |
translation | fin: kuitu |
translation | fin: lanka |
translation | fin: pujottaa |
translation | fin: puskea |
translation | fin: rihma |
translation | fin: säie |
translation | fin: tunkea |
translation | fra: fil |
translation | fra: filetage |
translation | fra: pas |
translation | fra: processus léger |
translation | heb: חוט |
translation | hrv: dretva |
translation | hrv: nit |
translation | hun: cérna |
translation | hye: թել |
translation | isl: þræða |
translation | ita: filetto |
translation | ita: filo conduttore |
translation | ita: filo |
translation | ita: forum |
translation | jpn: スレ |
translation | jpn: スレッド |
translation | jpn: ライトウェイトプロセス |
translation | jpn: 糸 |
translation | kat: ძაფი |
translation | kor: 실 |
translation | kur: پهت |
translation | lat: filum |
translation | lav: diegs |
translation | mon: утас |
translation | nld: bedraden |
translation | nld: draad |
translation | nld: garen |
translation | nld: onderwerp |
translation | nld: passeren |
translation | nld: rode draad |
translation | nld: thread |
translation | nld: topic |
translation | nor: tråd |
translation | pol: gwint |
translation | pol: nić |
translation | pol: nitka |
translation | pol: temat |
translation | pol: wątek |
translation | por: fio |
translation | por: tópico |
translation | ron: aţă |
translation | ron: fir |
translation | ron: tort |
translation | rus: ветка |
translation | rus: дискуссия |
translation | rus: нитка |
translation | rus: нить |
translation | rus: поток |
translation | rus: тема |
translation | rus: тред |
translation | slv: nit |
translation | spa: argumento |
translation | spa: filete |
translation | spa: hilo |
translation | spa: pasar |
translation | spa: rosca |
translation | spa: tema |
translation | sqi: fill |
translation | sqi: pe |
translation | swe: diskussionstråd |
translation | swe: kläder |
translation | swe: tråd |
translation | swe: tråda sig |
translation | tel: దారము |
translation | tha: ด้าย |
translation | tha: เชือก |
translation | tur: tire |
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