eng: walk

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antonymeng: fly
etymological origin ofeng: duckwalk
etymological origin ofeng: riverwalk
etymological origin ofeng: sheepwalk
etymological origin ofeng: walker
etymological origin ofeng: walketh
etymological origin ofeng: walkup
etymologically relatedeng: run
etymologyang: wealcan
has derived formeng: Walker
has derived formeng: Walkman
has derived formeng: cakewalk
has derived formeng: catwalk
has derived formeng: farmer's walk
has derived formeng: intentional walk
has derived formeng: perp walk
has derived formeng: race walk
has derived formeng: random walk
has derived formeng: sidewalk
has derived formeng: space walk
has derived formeng: sponsored walk
has derived formeng: walk away from
has derived formeng: walk away with
has derived formeng: walk in circles
has derived formeng: walk in the park
has derived formeng: walk in
has derived formeng: walk into
has derived formeng: walk it off
has derived formeng: walk it
has derived formeng: walk off with
has derived formeng: walk off
has derived formeng: walk out
has derived formeng: walk policy
has derived formeng: walk tall
has derived formeng: walk the beat
has derived formeng: walk the walk
has derived formeng: walk through
has derived formeng: walkathon
has derived formeng: walked
has derived formeng: walker
has derived formeng: walkie-talkie
has derived formeng: walkies
has derived formeng: walking
has derived formeng: walkman
has derived formeng: walkover
has derived formeng: walks
has derived formeng: whistle walk
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
semantically relatedeng: mop
semantically relatedeng: polish
semantically relatedeng: scrub
synonymeng: full
synonymeng: get off
synonymeng: go free
synonymeng: hike
synonymeng: path
synonymeng: pavement
synonymeng: sidewalk
synonymeng: traipse
synonymeng: trek
synonymeng: waulk
translationafr: loop
translationafr: pad
translationafr: stap
translationamh: መራመድ
translationamh: ተራመደ
translationara: تمشى
translationara: تمشّى
translationara: مشى
translationara: مشي
translationbel: гуляць
translationbel: прагулка
translationbel: хадзиць
translationbel: ісці пешшу
translationbel: ісці
translationbul: вървя
translationbul: ходя
translationcat: caminar
translationcat: passeig
translationcat: passejada
translationcat: passejar
translationces: jít
translationces: procházka
translationcmn: 散步
translationcmn: 步行
translationcmn: 行走
translationcmn: 走路
translationcym: cerdded
translationdan: fodsti
translationdan: gå fri
translationdan: gå tur med
translationdan: gåtur
translationdan: gang
translationdan: gangart
translationdan: vandre
translationdan: vandretur
translationdeu: Spaziergang
translationdeu: Weg
translationdeu: freigelassen
translationdeu: freikommen
translationdeu: freilassen
translationdeu: gehen
translationdeu: laufen
translationdeu: spazieren gehen
translationdeu: wandern
translationdeu: wegkommen
translationegy: h
translationell: βαδίζω
translationell: περπατώ
translationepo: marŝo
translationepo: promeni
translationepo: promeno
translationest: jalutuskäik
translationest: kõndima
translationfas: گام زدن
translationfin: antaa vapaataival
translationfin: kävelä
translationfin: kävellä
translationfin: kävely
translationfin: kävelymatka
translationfin: kävelyretki
translationfin: kävelytie
translationfin: kävelyttää
translationfin: kävelytyyli
translationfin: käydä
translationfin: lähteä kävelemään
translationfin: lähteä
translationfin: taluttaa
translationfin: ulkoiluttaa
translationfin: vanuttaa
translationfin: vapaataival
translationfra: accompagner
translationfra: allée
translationfra: balade
translationfra: battre
translationfra: démarche
translationfra: faire
translationfra: ficher le camp
translationfra: marche
translationfra: marcher
translationfra: parcourir
translationfra: promenade
translationfra: promener
translationfra: raccompagner
translationfra: s'envoler
translationfra: se barrer
translationfra: se casser
translationfra: se promener
translationfra: se tirer
translationgla: coisich
translationgle: siúil
translationgle: siúl
translationglg: andar
translationglg: camiñar
translationgrc: βαδίζω
translationhaw: hele
translationheb: הָלִיכָה
translationheb: הוליך
translationheb: הליכה
translationheb: הלך
translationheb: טיול
translationheb: לקח לטיול
translationheb: צורת הליכה
translationhin: चलना
translationhin: जाना
translationhin: टहलना
translationhrv: hodati
translationhun: járni
translationhun: menni
translationhye: զբոսանք
translationhye: քայլել
translationido: promenar
translationina: ambular
translationina: promenar
translationind: jalan
translationisl: ganga
translationita: andare a piedi
translationita: camminare
translationita: camminata
translationita: sodare
translationjpn: フォアボール
translationjpn: 四球
translationjpn: 徒歩
translationjpn: 散歩
translationjpn: 散歩する
translationjpn: 歩き回る
translationjpn: 歩く
translationjpn: 歩道
translationkat: სვლა
translationkor: 가다
translationkor: 걷다
translationkor: 무두질
translationlao: ຍ່າງ
translationlat: ambulatio
translationlat: ambulo
translationlat: gradior
translationmkd: врвица
translationmkd: од
translationmkd: оди
translationmkd: патека
translationmkd: пешачи
translationmkd: прошетка
translationmkd: прошетува
translationmkd: шета
translationmon: явган явах
translationmri: haere-a-waewae
translationmsa: berjalan
translationnah: nenemi
translationnay: noppun
translationnld: loopje
translationnld: lopen
translationnld: pad
translationnld: uitlaten
translationnld: vrijuit gaan
translationnld: wandelen
translationnld: wandeling
translationnor: gå på tur med
translationnor: gå ut med hunden
translationnor: slippe løs
translationnor: spasere
translationnor: vandre
translationoci: marchar
translationoci: passejada
translationpol: chodzić
translationpol: iść
translationpol: spacer
translationpor: andar
translationpor: caminhada
translationpor: caminhar
translationpor: passear
translationroh: chaminar
translationron: merge
translationron: umbla
translationrus: гулять
translationrus: идти пешком
translationrus: идти
translationrus: пойти
translationrus: походить
translationrus: прогулка
translationrus: ходить
translationrus: шагать
translationscn: caminari
translationslk: ísť krokom
translationslk: ísť peši
translationslk: ísť
translationslv: hoditi
translationslv: prehoditi
translationslv: sprehod
translationslv: sprehoditi
translationspa: andar
translationspa: andares
translationspa: caminar
translationspa: pasear
translationspa: paseo
translationspa: trayecto
translationspa: trecho
translationsqi: eci
translationsrp: ићи
translationsrp: ići
translationswa: kutembea
translationswe: få fötter
translationswe: gå ut med hunden
translationswe: gå ut och gå
translationswe: gång
translationswe: leda
translationswe: promenad
translationswe: promenera
translationswe: slippa lös
translationswe: sluta
translationswe: vandra
translationswe: vandring
translationtel: కాలి బాట
translationtel: నడక
translationtgk: гаштан
translationtgl: ilakad
translationtgl: lakad
translationtgl: lakaran
translationtgl: lakarin
translationtgl: maglakad
translationtgl: nilakad
translationtgl: paglakad
translationtgl: parada
translationtha: เดิน
translationtpi: wokabaut
translationtur: yürümek
translationtur: yürüyüş
translationtwf: cìa’áne
translationukr: гуляти
translationukr: прогулянка
translationukr: ходити
translationukr: іти кроком
translationukr: іти пішки
translationukr: іти
translationurd: جانا
translationurd: ٹہلنا
translationurd: چلنا
translationvie: đường
translationvie: đi bộ
translationvie: đi dạo
translationvie: bỏ đi
translationvie: bỏ
translationvie: cách
translationvie: dẫn ''direct object'' đi
translationvie: dẫn
translationvie: mang
translationyid: גיין
translationyid: שפּאַצירן
translationzul: ukuhamba


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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